w9ing? whats that? O.o
and about kamaels - in good hands berserker is a killing machine
thats for sure couse he has stun that he might spam as long as he takes some place to run towards enemy ;D but if there are few of them then he might stun-run to all of them
heard that soulbreaker has some nifty buffs and nasty debuffs but iam not sure about that, its not confirmed from me
and arbaitlist seems to be not so pr0, some ppl talking about it in good way but still its nothing compared to buffed HE
and dont think about rerolling to those sh!theads
Kamaels sucks as race - this is the bottomline, you imagine the whole race with only one wing? how fucked up their ancestors had to be to give up on a wing for anything
also their pimp factor is soooooo low... they dress up like nobility but womens are made for dicksucking (check their socialdance:P) and males are just a bit less g@y then light elves