1. Nick, Class, lvl, equipment.
Pasyphy (roxy Pinelo member) Phantom summoner (wannabe
) 33lvl atm
2. Name, age, from, time zone, contacts (skype, ICQ, email)
george 29years old gmt+2
pasyphy@gmial.com 3. How long playing L2?
8 years
(i am a grandpa
4. What clans you played with nicks you have used
pasyphy pinelo member
5. Friends in clan
i think all of them
6. Are you ready to listen all orders of your party leader or you wanna to create your own party?
same thing to me i can be party leader or can join a party....but because of summon friend in siege and rb hunting i ll probably needed in all partys
7. Do you speak English?
first certificate of Cabridge says a lot
8. Do you understand that going to const party means account sharing?
all will want my account for summoning ... the once that really need it will have it
9. Why you want join RB?
cause i am a fucking Pinelo lunatic and i want to join friends to kick some us
ps:Fuck you very much and have a nice day